Apoya a Valle Mazahua

Transforma vidas, dona hoy y ayuda a nuestras comunidades a prosperar y crecer.

Several adults are gathered around a young girl, placing their hands gently on her shoulders in a supportive gesture. They seem to be outdoors, with trees and a small building visible in the background. The scene conveys a sense of care and community.
Several adults are gathered around a young girl, placing their hands gently on her shoulders in a supportive gesture. They seem to be outdoors, with trees and a small building visible in the background. The scene conveys a sense of care and community.

5 estrellas de apoyo


Nuestra Misión y Visión

Valle Mazahua apoya comunidades, empoderando a las personas y fomentando el desarrollo integral a través de proyectos sostenibles e inclusivos.

Several individuals are engaged in a community cleanup, collecting trash from a gutter. They are dressed casually and are focused on picking up plastic bottles and litter. The setting is outdoors, with bags to collect the trash.
Several individuals are engaged in a community cleanup, collecting trash from a gutter. They are dressed casually and are focused on picking up plastic bottles and litter. The setting is outdoors, with bags to collect the trash.
A group of young individuals wearing camouflage uniforms are huddled together in a friendly, supportive manner. They are in a large room with red chairs arranged in rows. Some of the chairs have pamphlets and water bottles placed on them.
A group of young individuals wearing camouflage uniforms are huddled together in a friendly, supportive manner. They are in a large room with red chairs arranged in rows. Some of the chairs have pamphlets and water bottles placed on them.
A large group of people are gathered in front of a building with a triangular roof and a sign that reads 'TIN LÀNH'. They appear to be participating in a community event, posing for a group photo. Several banners with the text 'GIEO NANG' are held by some group members. The setting appears to be outdoors with trees surrounding the building.
A large group of people are gathered in front of a building with a triangular roof and a sign that reads 'TIN LÀNH'. They appear to be participating in a community event, posing for a group photo. Several banners with the text 'GIEO NANG' are held by some group members. The setting appears to be outdoors with trees surrounding the building.

Quienes Somos

Juntos transformamos vidas, creando un impacto positivo mediante la solidaridad y el apoyo constante a quienes más lo necesitan.

Servicios Valle Mazahua

Apoyamos comunidades con proyectos, donaciones y transparencia financiera para un impacto positivo.

A group of people standing close together in an embrace, showing a sense of unity and support. The individuals are wearing casual clothing and the setting appears to be indoors, possibly in a social or community event.
A group of people standing close together in an embrace, showing a sense of unity and support. The individuals are wearing casual clothing and the setting appears to be indoors, possibly in a social or community event.
Proyectos en curso

Descubre nuestras actividades actuales y cómo puedes participar en ellas.

Donaciones seguras

Conoce los métodos de pago y nuestra política de transparencia financiera.

Nuestra misión

Comprometidos con el desarrollo y bienestar de las comunidades que apoyamos.


Several people gather in a hallway, where some are wearing bright yellow shirts labeled 'VOLUNTEERS'. Others in the background carry the Indian national flag, creating a sense of cultural celebration.
Several people gather in a hallway, where some are wearing bright yellow shirts labeled 'VOLUNTEERS'. Others in the background carry the Indian national flag, creating a sense of cultural celebration.
A group of people dressed in blue shirts sit at tables in a modern, open-space office environment. They are focused on their laptops, with paperwork and personal items scattered on desks. Balloons of various colors are tied to the tables, and a large projector hangs from the ceiling. The backdrop displays a wall with the words 'Community is Everything' and photo collages.
A group of people dressed in blue shirts sit at tables in a modern, open-space office environment. They are focused on their laptops, with paperwork and personal items scattered on desks. Balloons of various colors are tied to the tables, and a large projector hangs from the ceiling. The backdrop displays a wall with the words 'Community is Everything' and photo collages.
A group of people, including men and women, are gathered outdoors, shaking hands and engaging in conversation. They are dressed in a mix of traditional and casual clothing. Trees and natural elements create a vibrant background, suggesting a community or social event.
A group of people, including men and women, are gathered outdoors, shaking hands and engaging in conversation. They are dressed in a mix of traditional and casual clothing. Trees and natural elements create a vibrant background, suggesting a community or social event.
Several individuals are gathered in an outdoor setting, with many of them seated on the ground alongside bags and containers of supplies, likely food aid. The people are dressed in cultural attire, and there is a visible stone wall in the background dividing the scene.
Several individuals are gathered in an outdoor setting, with many of them seated on the ground alongside bags and containers of supplies, likely food aid. The people are dressed in cultural attire, and there is a visible stone wall in the background dividing the scene.
A group of people standing in a circle, with their arms around each other, suggesting a sense of community or solidarity. In the background, there are individuals facing the group, possibly leading or speaking to them. The setting appears to be indoors, with a focus on interaction and connection among the participants.
A group of people standing in a circle, with their arms around each other, suggesting a sense of community or solidarity. In the background, there are individuals facing the group, possibly leading or speaking to them. The setting appears to be indoors, with a focus on interaction and connection among the participants.
A group of people are gathered in a room, with some seated on blue plastic chairs. Two men in the foreground are wearing face masks and engaging in conversation, one holding a syringe, hinting at a medical setting. An older man wearing a traditional Nepali hat and vest is seated, conversing with the men. A woman in a colorful traditional dress looks on attentively from her chair. The walls have written notices and a framed sign in a non-English script. The setting appears based on community health outreach or vaccination drive.
A group of people are gathered in a room, with some seated on blue plastic chairs. Two men in the foreground are wearing face masks and engaging in conversation, one holding a syringe, hinting at a medical setting. An older man wearing a traditional Nepali hat and vest is seated, conversing with the men. A woman in a colorful traditional dress looks on attentively from her chair. The walls have written notices and a framed sign in a non-English script. The setting appears based on community health outreach or vaccination drive.

Descubre el impacto de Valle Mazahua en nuestras comunidades.


A group of people are gathered outdoors near a table filled with plastic bags, papers, and a bottle of water. Several individuals are wearing orange clothing and headscarves. In the background, there is a row of parked motorcycles and a building with a textured wall and wooden doors.
A group of people are gathered outdoors near a table filled with plastic bags, papers, and a bottle of water. Several individuals are wearing orange clothing and headscarves. In the background, there is a row of parked motorcycles and a building with a textured wall and wooden doors.

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